1873 Welcome Valley Rd
Benton, TN 37307
Mon-Sat 9:00am-5:00pm
(2) Convenience Center- Farner
170 Underwood Dr.
Farner, TN 37333
Mon, Wed, Sat 9:00am-5:00pm
(3) Convenience Center-Grassy Creek
2000 Grassy Creek Rd
Copperhill, TN 37317
Mon 7am-3pm, Tue-Sat 9am-5:00pm
(4) Convenience Center-Linsdale
2240 Dentville Rd
Delano, TN 37325
Mon, Wed, Sat 9:00am-5:00pm
(5) Convenience Center-Reliance
3557 HWY 30
Reliance, TN 37369
Mon, Fri, Sat 9:00am-5:00pm
(6) Convenience Center-South Polk
1030 Old Federal Rd
Old Fort, TN 37362
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat 9:00am-5:00pm
The County of Polk is pleased to offer free sanitation disposal at its convenience centers in both East and West Polk County. Any questions or concerns please contact County Executives Office at 423-338-4527
This free to citizens program is very expensive to maintain and in April 2007 the Polk County Legislative Body passed a county wide resolution which set out the following parameters to be followed by the sanitation company which has the county contract.
1). All household trash that is created in Polk County will be accepted at the county convenience centers or approved locations as set forth by the Polk County Commission or the Polk County Executive.
2). Any trash found to be from another county or state shall be deemed unacceptable by the convenience center operators and shall not be disposed of in a Polk County Convenience Center
3). All vehicles dumping trash at a county convenience center shall bare a Polk County registration on such vehicle or the driver shall produce a signed certificate from the Polk County Executive which states that the trash is believed to be from Polk County (this permit will either be temporary or permanent in nature). For an Application for a sanitation permit, click the link below.
4). Any person or entity that is caught dumping or attempting to dump out of county trash or other debris at a Polk County Convenience Center shall be fined up to $500 dollars per each incident involving household or personal waste and $500 for each incident involving business waste.
To download an application for a Polk County Sanitation Permit: Click here