Polk County Government

County Commission

County Commission

The Polk County Commission (a.k.a. County Legislative Body) is a body that is made up of 10 commissioners from the four voting districts of the county. The commission’s job is to exercise the powers of a legislative nature granted to it by the Tennessee General Assembly in public acts (laws of general application) or local option application, which may be found in codified form in the Tennessee Code Annotated) or in private acts that apply to a particular county (that do not conflict with the general law). The commission has a considerable array of powers, including the power to levy property taxes, the power to expend funds for any lawful purpose, zoning powers for the unincorporated areas of the county, the power to fill vacancies in county wide offices and some regulatory powers which govern the public safety, morals and welfare.

District 1 - Commissioners

Deborah Anne Davis
621 Columbus Road
Delano, TN 37325
Phone: 423-715-3698
Email Address: mickeymutt55@gmail.com
Kelley Morgan
Email Address: kmorganpolkco@yahoo.com
Phone: 423-397-9599
John Pippenger
2112 Baker Bridge Road
Benton, TN 37307
Phone: 423-716-7655
Email Address: jpippenger@comcast.net

District 3 - Commissioners

Keith Barker
Copperhill, TN 37317
Phone: 706-455-6093
Email Address: d3polk@yahoo.com
Mush Davis
Ducktown, TN
Phone:423-241-9433 or 423-496-2938
Samantha J Trantham
677 Airport Road
Copperhill, TN 37317
Phone: 706-851-6623
Email Address: samanthatranthamd3commissioner@gmail.com

District 2 - Commissioners

Shane Bowman
Old Fort, TN
Phone: 423-715-7256
Email Address: sb4bigorange@gmail.com
Greg Brooks
2323 Davis Curbow RD
Old Fort, TN 37362
Phone: 423-715-2640

District 4 - Commissioners

Danny Carver
Benton, TN
Email Address: dcarverdistrict4@gmail.com
Christy Hardin
Benton, TN
Phone: 423-716-3528
Email Address: ChristyHardinDistrict4@gmail.com